| 4-Elisha & Mary Ellen Francis family Elisha Francis, dau-in-law Golda Francis nee Pacey, Mary Ellen Francis(nee Smith) and dau-in-law Cordelia Francis nee Beach, Stewart Francis and Clinton Francis 1926 |
| 2-Herb Francis, The Gas Station owner Herb owned the gas station on highway 17, Cobden where Mary Ann's Fashions are currently located. Here he is photographed in front of the business with his brother Stewart Francis and long time friends Campbell Brisco of Northcote and Frank Findlay of New Liskeard about 1945. |
| 2-Herb Francis siblings Herb Francis with brothers Stewart Francis of New Liskeard and Clinton Francis of Toronto. |
| 4-Elisha & Mary Ellen Francis Family Elisha Francis and his wife Mary Ellen nee Smith with 3 sons, Stewart, Clinton and Herb |
| 4-Elisha & Mary Ellen Francis & sons Elisha & Mary Ellen Francis & sons standing in front of homestead at Eganville (Wilberforce Twp) prior to moving North |
| Francis, Stewart & Clinton (siblings) c1906 Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis, New Liskeard |
| 45-Francis, Stewart & Cordelia nee Beach
| 45-Francis, Stewart barbershop Stewart Francis barbershop, New Liskeard, ON |
| 45-Francis, Stewart Son of Elisha & Mary Ellen Francis on his wedding day |
| 17-Francis 4 Generations Margaret Ann Francis nee Ferguson, her son Stewart Francis, his son Elisha Francis (standing), his son Stewart Francis abt 1906
from the collection of Clinton Francis |
| 45-Briscoe, Luella & Emmerson, Francis, Stewart & Cordelia
| 45-Elisha Francis family - July 12, 1939 Golda and Clinton; Mary Ellen; Stewart & Cordelia; Rachel and John Humphries; Herb & Gladys; Allan at Peever picnic on McKibbon Island;
photograph from the collection of Clinton Francis |
| 1617-Peever Picnic at McKibbon's Island
1st:child, Ken Francis, Clarence & Glenna Peever
2nd:Charlie McKibbon, Herb Francis, Mabel Francis, Lois Smith, Winnie Smith, John Parfionko, Ethel McKibbon, Margaret Peever, Essie Francis
3rd:Allen S. Francis, Cordelia & Stewart Francis, Luella & Emerson Briscoe, Ellard Peever, Rachel Humphries, Helen Peever, Aunt Em Francis, Grandma McKibbon, Aunt Kate Patterson, Sarah Phillips
4th:Margaret Francis, Ellsworth FRancis, Wilfred Peever, Joyce Francis, Gladys Francis, Harold Peever, ?, Ena Francis |
| 45-Francis, Stewart, his mother Mary Ellen nee SMith, sister-in-law Golda nee Pacey, sister-in-law Gladys nee Bates, Uncle John Humphries & father Elisha from the collection of Gladys Francis |
| Francis & Brisco Hunt Gang: Ft: Tommy Brisco, Charlie Carman, Cecil Briscoe
Bk: Ellsworth Francis, STewart Francis, Emerson Brisco, Ed Blair, Herb Francis, Lorne Brisco, Campbell Brisco, Frank Findlay Photograph from the Collection of Gladys Francis |
| Francis & Davison families: Stewart, Cordelia & Allan Francis; Martha, Fred, Ruby & Margaret Davison Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis |
| Francis Stewart with curling buddies Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis |
| Francis, Cordelia, Stewart & Allan Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis |
| Francis, Stewart, Cordelia & Allan Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis |
| Francis, Stewart, barber in New Liskeard with his dad Elisha Francis Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis |
| Francis, Stewart Photograph from the collection of Allen Francis, New Liskeard |
| Francis, Stewart Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis, New Liskeard |
| Francis, Stewart in his barber chair, New Liskeard Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis, New Liskeard |
| Francis, Cordelia - General Store Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis, New Liskeard |
| General Store, New Liskeard Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis, New Liskeard |
| General Store, New Liskeard Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis, New Liskeard |
| General Store, New Liskeard Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis, New Liskeard |
| General Store, New Liskeard Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis, New Liskeard |
| Francis, Elisha & Mary Ellen family with Clinton, Herb & Stewart Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis, New Liskeard |
| Francis, Stewart & Cordelia with Emerson and Luella Briscoe Photograph from the collection of Allan Francis, New Liskeard |
| Francis clan: Stewart & his mother Mary, Essie, Keith & Charlie Francis, John Humphries Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis |
| Hunt Club: Bk: Frank Findlay, Stewart Francis, Elsie and Ed Blair, Charlie Carman, Campbell Briscoe, Russell McMullen
Ft: Ellsworth and Herb Francis Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis |
| Hunt gang Ft: Golda Francis, Stewart Francis, Gladys Francis
Bk: Edgar and Audrey Bradley, ?, Ed and Elsie Blair at Moon Beam Camp Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis |
| Francis connection: Golda & Clinton Francis; Elisha & Mary Ellen Francis (parents); Stewart & Cordelia with Allan Francis; Rachel & John F. Humphries (sister of Elisha); Gladys & Herb Francis in front Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis |