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C-Horse-drawn hearse owned by Fraser Morris Funeral Home, Cobden, Ontario
C-Horse-drawn hearse owned by Fraser Morris Funeral Home, Cobden, Ontario
on display at Champlain Trail Museum, Pembroke, Ontario
photographed by Fay Bennett
Owner of original: Fay Bennett
Date: Jun 2013
 Livingston family members:  Julia Gertrude Taylor nee Livingston with son Robert Taylor; Eleanor Livingston nee Mortimer with son William James; Elizabeth Ann McGonegal nee Livingston with son Gerald c1913
Livingston family members: Julia Gertrude Taylor nee Livingston with son Robert Taylor; Eleanor Livingston nee Mortimer with son William James; Elizabeth Ann McGonegal nee Livingston with son Gerald c1913
provided by Nancy Missana
Owner of original: Nancy Misanna
Date: 1913
'Della' Aldbert Frances HOWES, 1908
'Della' Aldbert Frances HOWES, 1908
Photograph from the collection of Don Hill, loaned by Nancy Broome
010-McLaughlin, James
010-McLaughlin, James
Owner of original: Edna Peever
01011-McLaughlin, James & Margaret Jane nee Kenny
01011-McLaughlin, James & Margaret Jane nee Kenny
photograph from the collection of Myles McLaughlin
011-McLaughlin, Margaret Jane nee Kenny
011-McLaughlin, Margaret Jane nee Kenny
Owner of original: Edna Peever
012-Johnston, Samuel
012-Johnston, Samuel
Owner of original: Nellie Johnston
01213-Bowes, Ena nee Johnston
01213-Bowes, Ena nee Johnston
photographed by Fay Bennett
Owner of original: Fay Bennett
Date: 1996
01213-Johnston sisters - Nellie Johnston & Ena Bowes
01213-Johnston sisters - Nellie Johnston & Ena Bowes
photographed by Fay Bennett
Owner of original: Fay Bennett
Date: 1995
01213-Johnston, Nellie
01213-Johnston, Nellie
photographed by Fay Bennett
Owner of original: Fay Bennett
Date: 1996
01213-Johnston, Nellie
01213-Johnston, Nellie
photographed by Fay Bennett
Owner of original: Fay Bennett
Date: 2006
013-Johnston, Nellie Grace nee Wicks
013-Johnston, Nellie Grace nee Wicks
Owner of original: Nellie Johnston
014-Andrews, Allison
014-Andrews, Allison
Owner of original: Valerie Peever
01415-Andrews Family Home at rural Douglas, Ontario
01415-Andrews Family Home at rural Douglas, Ontario
originally owned by Matthew & Jane Andrews; Allison & Elizabeth Andrews; Irwin & Jessie Andrews
Owner of original: Valerie Peever
01415-Andrews siblings
01415-Andrews siblings
Lola, Irwin and Blanche Andrews
Owner of original: Valerie Peever
01415-Andrews sisters - Lola Peever and Vina Morrow
01415-Andrews sisters - Lola Peever and Vina Morrow
Owner of original: Ruby Bennett
Date: 1980
01415-Andrews, Allison & Elizabeth Sutherland
01415-Andrews, Allison & Elizabeth Sutherland
Owner of original: Valerie Peever
01415-Andrews, Allison & Elizabeth with children Vina, Blanche, Irwin, Lola
01415-Andrews, Allison & Elizabeth with children Vina, Blanche, Irwin, Lola
Owner of original: Valerie Peever
01415-Andrews, Vina wedding day
01415-Andrews, Vina wedding day
sister Blanche leading wedding procession;
Vina escorted by her father Allison Andrews
Owner of original: Valerie Peever
01415-Morrow, David & Vina nee Andrews
01415-Morrow, David & Vina nee Andrews
Owner of original: Valerie Peever
015-Sutherland, Elizabeth
015-Sutherland, Elizabeth
Owner of original: Valerie Peever
016-Bennett, James
016-Bennett, James
Owner of original: Edna Peever
01617 - Cowley, Bill hockey photo
01617 - Cowley, Bill hockey photo
Owner of original:
01617 - Cowley, Edna nee Bennett
01617 - Cowley, Edna nee Bennett
Owner of original: Nancy Laird
01617 - Laidlaw family photo taken on Doreen's wedding day
Bk: Jean, Doreen, Blair, Harold & Essie
Ft: Betty & Helen
01617 - Laidlaw family photo taken on Doreen's wedding day Bk: Jean, Doreen, Blair, Harold & Essie Ft: Betty & Helen
Owner of original: Helen Armstrong
01617- Lee, Edward & Doreen nee Laidlaw
01617- Lee, Edward & Doreen nee Laidlaw
Owner of original: Esther Mary MacPherson
01617-3 Generation:  Esther Laidlaw nee Morrison; her daughter Doreen nee Laidlaw and Esther's mother Jane Morrison nee Bennett
01617-3 Generation: Esther Laidlaw nee Morrison; her daughter Doreen nee Laidlaw and Esther's mother Jane Morrison nee Bennett
Owner of original: Helen Armstrong
01617-4 Generations:  Esther Laidlaw nee Morrison; her mother Jane Morrison nee Bennett holding Esther's granddau Kathryn; Esther's daughter Jean Cameron nee Laidlaw
01617-4 Generations: Esther Laidlaw nee Morrison; her mother Jane Morrison nee Bennett holding Esther's granddau Kathryn; Esther's daughter Jean Cameron nee Laidlaw
Owner of original: Helen Armstrong
01617-Armstrong, Helen nee Laidlaw
01617-Armstrong, Helen nee Laidlaw
Owner of original: Helen Armstrong
01617-Armstrong, Helen nee Laidlaw
01617-Armstrong, Helen nee Laidlaw
Owner of original: Ken Godfrey
01617-Armstrong, John & Helen nee Laidlaw wedding
01617-Armstrong, John & Helen nee Laidlaw wedding
Apr 21, 1962
Owner of original: Helen Armstrong
01617-Armstrong, John & Helen nee Laidlaw wedding
01617-Armstrong, John & Helen nee Laidlaw wedding
Owner of original: Helen Armstrong
01617-Baragar, Albert & Jean nee Burrell
01617-Baragar, Albert & Jean nee Burrell
Owner of original: Brent Patterson
01617-Bell, Fannie nee Bennett; Sarah Wilson nee Johnston & Minnie Eady nee Bennett, 1976
01617-Bell, Fannie nee Bennett; Sarah Wilson nee Johnston & Minnie Eady nee Bennett, 1976
photographed at Bennett Picnic by Marion Fraser
01617-Bell, Sandy; John Moxam, Willie Moxam & Thom Moxam
01617-Bell, Sandy; John Moxam, Willie Moxam & Thom Moxam
from the collection of Kay & Esther Coleman
Owner of original: Kay Coleman
01617-Bennett brothers Harold & Clarence
01617-Bennett brothers Harold & Clarence
from the Collection of Harold Bennett
01617-Bennett cousins - Irvin & WM Bennett; Delmer & Osborne Bennett, Alden May
01617-Bennett cousins - Irvin & WM Bennett; Delmer & Osborne Bennett, Alden May
grandsons of Andrew and Mary (nee Johnston) Bennett
Owner of original: Leah May
01617-Bennett family - Mary (nee Greening) with children Clarence, Verna & Harold
01617-Bennett family - Mary (nee Greening) with children Clarence, Verna & Harold
from the Collection of Harold Bennett
01617-Bennett siblings:  Irene Robinson, Pearl Condie, Mildred Richardson, Henry & Jim Bennett
01617-Bennett siblings: Irene Robinson, Pearl Condie, Mildred Richardson, Henry & Jim Bennett
Owner of original: Ted Richardson
01617-Bennett siblings: Joe, Vera, Jean, Derwood, Marion & Bob
01617-Bennett siblings: Joe, Vera, Jean, Derwood, Marion & Bob
Photograph from the collection of Ruby (Robertson) Bennett, provided May 2018
Owner of original: Keith & Ruby Bennett
01617-Bennett twins:  Bob & Joe c1934
01617-Bennett twins: Bob & Joe c1934
Photograph from the collection of Ruby (Robertson) Bennett, provided May 2018
Owner of original: Keith & Ruby Bennett
Date: 1934
01617-Bennett twins: Bob & Joe age 80
01617-Bennett twins: Bob & Joe age 80
Owner of original: Keith & Ruby Bennett
Date: 1994
01617-Bennett twins: Bob & Joe as children
01617-Bennett twins: Bob & Joe as children
Owner of original: Keith & Ruby Bennett
01617-Bennett, Alex & Elizabeth Condie (aka Lila Plain)
01617-Bennett, Alex & Elizabeth Condie (aka Lila Plain)
Owner of original: Keith & Ruby Bennett
01617-Bennett, Andrew & Mary A nee Johnston
01617-Bennett, Andrew & Mary A nee Johnston
Owner of original: Angie Bennett
01617-Bennett, Andrew & Mary Johnston
01617-Bennett, Andrew & Mary Johnston
Owner of original: Ted Richardson
01617-Bennett, Bob & Winnie anniversary
01617-Bennett, Bob & Winnie anniversary
Owner of original: Keith & Ruby Bennett
01617-Bennett, Bob & Winnie nee May c1934
01617-Bennett, Bob & Winnie nee May c1934
Photograph from the collection of Ruby (Robertson) Bennett, provided May 2018
Owner of original: Keith & Ruby Bennett
Date: 1934
01617-Bennett, Bob & Winnie nee May wedding photo
01617-Bennett, Bob & Winnie nee May wedding photo
Owner of original: Marion Horner
01617-Bennett, Bob & Winnie nee May wedding photo; attendants Clifford & Iva May
01617-Bennett, Bob & Winnie nee May wedding photo; attendants Clifford & Iva May
Photograph from the collection of Ruby (Robertson) Bennett, provided May 2018
Owner of original: Keith & Ruby Bennett
Date: 1936

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