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1051 |
 | Ball, Jean (R) & friend Phyllis from the collection of Gladys Francis
1052 |
 | Bank of Nova Scotia under renovations, 1995 Photograph from the collection of Ken Francis
1053 |
 | Barber & Morrow Siblings: Ft: Rhorison Barber & Edward Barber
Bk: spouses- Mary Ann Morrow & Nancy Morrow Photograph from the collection of Mary Montague
1054 |
 | Barr 4 Generations
Ft-John Hiram Barr & his wife Minnie Johnston
Bk-Russell Purcell & his wife Annie Barr holding her granddaughter, Jack Purcell from the Collection of Hazel Purcell, received 2004
1055 |
 | Barr family home in Pakenham photograph from the Barr family reunion, 2023
1056 |
 | Barr sisters: Florence Robertson & Martha Davidson Photograph from the collection of Ruby (Robertson) Bennett, provided May 2018
1057 |
 | Barr, John Hiram & Minnie nee Johnston photograph from the Barr Family Reunion, 2023
1058 |
 | Barr, John Hiram & Minnie nee Johnston family photograph from the Barr Family Reunion, 2023
1059 |
 | Barr, John Hiram & Minnie nee Johnston homestead photograph from the Barr Family Reunion, 2023
1060 |
 | Barr, John Hiram & Minnie nee Orr homestead in Cobden pHotograph from the Barr family reunion, 2023
1061 |
 | Barr, John with son-in-law Russell Purcell, grandson Jack Purcell & gt grandchildren Helen & Ruby from the Collection of Hazel Purcell, received 2004
1062 |
 | Barr, Margaret Jane nee Condie From the photo collection of Glenn Collins
1063 |
 | Barr, Matthew photograph from the collection of Glenn Collins
1064 |
 | Barr, Retta nee Wright Photo from the collection of Ken Francis
1065 |
 | Barr, Willie & Jennie nee Armstrong family: l-r Beulah, Elson & Mona;
ft: Willie, Lennis & Jennie photograph from the collection of Hazel (Miller) Purcell
1066 |
 | Barratt, Sydney and Elva 50th Anniversary Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1067 |
 | Barrington, Leanna with Gladys Francis, 2005 Photographed by Fay Bennett
1068 |
 | Barron, Ted - Civitan Life Membership Cobden Civitan Facebook Page
1069 |
 | Barstead, Grace nee Kuhnke Photograph from the collection of Eva Johnston, provided by dau Kathy
1070 |
 | Barstead, Grace nee Kuhnke Photograph from the collection of Eva Johnston, provided by dau Kathy
1071 |
 | Barstead, Stanley photograph from the collection of Mrs. Holt Johnston, held by Kathy Daw
1072 |
 | Barstead, Stanley & Iva McNabb wedding photo collection of Mrs. Holt Johnston (in possession of dau Kathy)
1073 |
 | Bates family in Heaslip: Bk Leonard & Ellen; middle: ?, Dorothy, Herb Francis, Marjorie, Catherine & Floyd Harman; Ft: Phyllis & Jim Harman Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1074 |
 | BATES family- Ft Phyllis Bates, Ellen Bates nee Ball, Gladys Francis nee Bates
Bk. Marjorie Harman nee Bates, Dorothy Fanning nee Bates Photo from the collection of Gladys Francis
1075 |
 | Bates family: Marjorie & Gladys (twins), Ellen (mother), Dorothy, Phyllis Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1076 |
 | Bates Sisters: Marjorie Harman, Gladys Francis, Phyllis Bates Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1077 |
 | Bates sisters: Marjorie, Dorothy & Gladys Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1078 |
 | BATES sisters: Dorothy (centre) & twins Gladys & Marjorie Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1079 |
 | Bates sisters: Dorothy(centre), twins Gladys & Marjorie Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1080 |
 | Bates sisters: Dorothy, Gladys & Marjorie Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1081 |
 | Bates, Dorothy Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1082 |
 | Bates, Dorothy - dressed in Red Cross Nurses Costum, Gramma took Aunt Dorothy on train to Englehart (10 min ride) and she collected 17.00 in her collection box. Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1083 |
 | Bates, Ellen & daughter Phyllis from the collection of Gladys Francis
1084 |
 | Bates, Ellen with wedding cake she made Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1085 |
 | Bates, Ellen, dau Gladys Francis, granddau-in-law Helen Francis from the collection of Gladys Francis
1086 |
 | Bates, Gladys photograph from the Collection of Gladys Francis
1087 |
 | Bates, Gladys and Marion Howard, 1934 Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1088 |
 | Bates, Gladys in Mr and Mrs Bob Thompson’s wedding, 1934;
Witnesses Gladys Bates and Carl Sohnlein Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1089 |
 | Bates, Granny and her budgy Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1090 |
 | Bates, Leonard & Ellen nee Ball on the occasion of their dau Dorothy's wedding Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1091 |
 | Bates, Phyllis Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1092 |
 | Bates, Phyllis Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1093 |
 | Bates, Phyllis in best friend Jean Williams wedding Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1094 |
 | Bates, Phyllis with Joyce And Margaret Francis Photograph from the collection of Gladys Francis
1095 |
 | Beach Cousins: Ft: Allan Stewart FRANCIS; Earl & Jim Towey; Verna & Beryl McNeil; Bk: likely parents; Cordelia Beach bk right Photograph from the collection of Roseanna Beach
1096 |
 | Beach, Albert Edwin Photograph from the collection of Allen Francis
1097 |
 | Beach, Rev. & Mrs H. M. From the photos of Meryl Robinson in the collection of Dwight Robinson
1098 |
 | Beachburg Fair hosting The Family Brown from the scrapbook collection of Irene McLaren
1099 |
 | Beachburg War Memorial, Beachburg, Ontario Photographed by Fay Bennett
1100 |
 | Beatrice Bennett & Gladys Francis at Gladys\' 80th birthday, 1995 Photographed by Fay Bennett